The travel industry doesn't make it easy to decipher greenwashing from real sustainability efforts. Here's how travelers can ...
UNEP is the global champion for the environment with programmes focusing on sustainable development, climate, biodiversity ...
21 February 2025 - What has changed in the development landscape since 2015 that demands changes in how we approach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? What lessons have we learned from the ...
A new analysis reveals complex linkages among the United Nations' (UN's) 17 Sustainable Development Goals—which include such objectives as gender equality and quality education—and finds that no ...
The Sustainable Development Goals are embedded in the 2030 Agenda, a framework developed by the UN and officially launched during the UN General Assembly on 25 September 2015. The 2030 Agenda sets out ...
In 2015, the world embarked on a new development agenda underpinned by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Achieving these goals requires integrated action on social, environmental and ...
The year 2023 marks the mid-point of the 15-year period envisaged to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, targets for global development adopted in September 2015 by all United Nations ...
Green bond issuances in India have been on an upward trend in the past decade. Issuances have increased from US$ 1.2 billion ...
Sustainable agriculture integrates three main ... associated local agricultural enterprises go out of business. Economic development policies and tax structures that encourage more diversified ...
Furthermore, even if you can have confidence in a sustainable investing strategy, how can you make sure you're not settling for an inferior retirement plan in the process? As with so many things ...
The city of Kettering is undertaking a lasting approach to sustainable growth and development amid challenges such as an aging housing stock, shifting demographics and economic changes. Through its ...
What are the UN Sustainability Goals? In 2015 the United Nations agreed a set of ‘sustainable development’ goals that are focused on ending poverty around the world, protecting the planet and ...