Medically reviewed by Marisa Garshick, MD White spots on the skin can be caused by sun exposure or conditions including milia ...
A common condition that can affect up to 70 to 80 percent of adults, but many won't know what it is and why they get it ...
How serious are those strange white bumps that suddenly appear on your body? Not very, unless they're something else ...
White spots on the face can cover a small or large area of skin. They can be hard bumps or flat patches. Possible causes include milia, pityriasis alba, vitiligo, and more. Many people experience ...
There are many potential causes of skin discoloration, ranging from minor problems to more serious medical conditions. These may include: Birthmarks are discolored skin spots that can develop at ...
Here is what to do if you spot strange white bumps on your lips or genitals, a condition known medically as fordyce spots.
Skin cancer The most serious potential cause for white spots on the lips is cancer. The most common type of cancer found on the lips is squamous cell carcinoma, says Miller. This cancer accounts ...
Getting manicures also cause white spots, since electric files can damage ... Damage from manicures Getting your nails done can damage the skin underneath your nail, called the nailbed.
Dr Lynch says there are three common causes of white spots under the nail ... be caused by dermatophytes – fungi that appear on the skin, hair or nails and require keratin for growth.
There are many possible causes of red, discolored spots on the feet. Injuries, insect bites, irritation, and infections can all affect the skin on this part of the body, causing red dots on the feet.