Locked’ director David Yarovesky says custom lenses were built to shoot inside an SUV to capture Anthony Hopkins’ torture of ...
This remake of the Argentine thriller "4x4" plays like a watered-down "Saw" movie but finds plenty of novel ways to exploit ...
David Yarovesky humanizes a bleak horror story with creative cinematography, increased pathos and the strong performances of ...
At its core, Shadowlands is a biographical drama based on the real-life romance between the renowned British author best ...
As Mr. Stevens in Remains of the Day, Hopkins tells a beautiful story about a butler whose life is defined by a misplaced ...
A car thief gets trapped in a luxury SUV by its diabolical owner in this remake of an Argentinian film, produced by Sam Raimi ...
Directed by David Yaroevsky (Brightburn'), this containment thriller set in a car fails to take audiences on a memorable ...