An embarrassing oversight seemingly forced New Era to pull the Texas Rangers’ new cap design for their Overlap 5950 collection.
The official cap company of the MLB, New Era, introduced a new line of fitted caps for the season and fans had some thoughts.
A Texas Rangers cap was removed from the online stores of Major League Baseball and the team because its funky, fresh design — a mashup of logos for each of the sport’s 30 teams — quite prominently ...
As collectibles expert Eric Whiteback shared on social media, several of the hats are now for sale on eBay for as much as ...
The Rangers cap included their signature block capital "T," right over the "x" in Texas. Shortly after the collection went up ...
The Rangers' hat was taken down because of the apparent Spanish vulgarity on the front. It is currently the only hat that was pulled from the collection. Officials from the Rangers organization were ...
Earlier this week, a new awkwardly-designed Rangers cap from New Era drew plenty of attention for what it unintentionally ...
A new Texas Rangers alternative ... written behind its logo. The two designs overlap, which is where the series’ name comes from. But there was one problem with the Rangers hat that none of ...