Workmen's Circle "shules" promote progressive activism and secular culture — and are growing as a result. NEW YORK (JTA) — The Jewish Sunday school teacher, a black accordion strapped to her ...
Here we explore how Christian antisemitism moved beyond the Church, influencing major secular thinkers like Karl Marx, Voltaire, and Nazi ideologues and continuing to fuel economic, racial, and ...
Joaquin may identify as Jewish, but he doesn't practice any sort of religious tradition. In 2018, he told The Christian Post that he considers himself a secular Jew. "My parents believed in God.
In a Volokh Conspiracy post titled “The Supreme Court’s secular Jewish cabal’s war on religious freedom?,” law professor David Bernstein nails it: “It’s no coincidence that three of ...
Study classic Jewish texts, both sacred (the Hebrew Bible and Talmud) and secular, and examine Jewish history from biblical times to the present. The Jewish Culture minor considers Jews and Judaism as ...
The schools will lose their legal status and will not receive any public funding for meals, transportation, textbooks orother ...
Yehonatan Indursky co-wrote the international hit show “Shtisel,” one of TV’s most sensitive portrayals of haredi Orthodox life, as a secular Jew ... in the haredi Jewish world.