The Purple Heart is awarded to military members who are injured and killed in combat, through an act of terrorism or by friendly fire. It acknowledges the physical sacrifice of service to the nation.
Sarge Lintecum, a Vietnam veteran and Purple Heart recipient, dedicated his life to helping veterans through his music and ...
Robert Boyd Jr. begged his widowed mother to let him join the Marines during World War II before he turned 18. He survived the trial by fire at Iwo Jima ...
Eighty years overdue, centenarian Harold “Bud” Pressel received a Purple Heart during a ceremony in late January at the Dallastown American Legion Hall. About a decade ago, he believed he ...
(KPLC) - A Sulphur man who signed up for the Navy in World War 2 came home with a Purple Heart presented by the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet. 98-year-old William Covington signed up for ...