The sequel is set years after Ninja Gaiden 3 in a drizzly, cyberpunk incarnation of Tokyo. It’ll feature a new protagonist named Yakumo, but franchise favourite Ryu Hayabusa will also return ...
"We are staying true to the challenge and deep action that defines the Ninja Gaiden series while incorporating the speed an ...
The game is a sequel to 2012's Ninja Gaiden 3 but will feature a new protagonist. It will also keep with the same bloody, quick-action gameplay that the series is known for. In Ninja Gaiden 4 ...
Ninja Gaiden 4 is set “a significant amount of time” after Ninja Gaiden 3, but is described as a direct sequel to the game. It features a new protagonist, Yakumo, who is a ninja master with ...
The recently released Ninja Gaiden 2 Black is set for a physical release on PlayStation 5 only. There is no word on an Xbox ...
Ninja Gaiden 4 was revealed by Team Ninja and PlatinumGames at Xbox Developer Direct in January 2025, and a remake of Ninja Gaiden 2 has been released today.
Ninja Gaiden 4, the sequel of Ninja Gaiden, will be released this year and gamers will see a new playable character called ...