expert has explained what went wrong with Microsoft's new AI chat bot on Wednesday. Microsoft designed "Tay" to respond to users' queries on Twitter with the casual, jokey speech patterns of a ...
we brought you the tragicomic story of Tay, an artificial intelligence chatbot that was designed to interact with and learn from people between the ages of 18 and 24. Unfortunately for Microsoft ...
Taylor Swift tried to sue Microsoft over a chatbot ... controlled by artificial intelligence and was designed to learn from conversations held on social media. But shortly after Tay was launched ...
In a blog entry on Friday, Microsoft Research head Peter Lee expressed regret for the conduct of its AI chatbot, named Tay, and explained what went wrong. "We are deeply sorry for the unintended ...
In 2016, Microsoft apologised after an experimental AI Twitter bot called "Tay" said offensive things on the platform. And others have found that sometimes success in creating a convincing ...
In it, the corporate vice-president of Microsoft Healthcare detailed the development of a chatbot named Tay ... we expected to learn more and for the AI to get better and better.” Unfortunately, Tay ...