The Baka people of Bemba village, Cameroon, show how sharing is a viable forest management and conservation technique.
The local people of Eastern Cameroon particularly the indigenous Baka could not sit and watch as one of their most valuable trees disappeared. The moabi tree (Baillonella toxisperma), is threatened by ...
In April, Cameroon’s Ministry of Social Affairs organized a first-of-its-kind inter-ministry workshop to discuss protection of indigenous people’s rights in the implementation of biodiversity ...
About 10 kilometers (6.3 miles) north of the Cameroon capital of Yaoundé, local members of the Yanda community say the ...
While doing fieldwork in 2020, I remember walking with Indigenous elders Ferdinand Mbita and Félix Mangombe up the small, winding path into their forest in Cameroon, jumping over highways of ...