The increases at the pumps come just days after President Donald Trump and his administration touted cheaper gas prices throughout the country.
Insufficient crude oil production. Refinery backlogs. A handful of factors have been blamed for soaring gas prices, which have headlined the suffocating inflation of the past year. Yet the blame ...
household goods and services and Zillow for rent and home-purchase prices. Every chart notes, and links to, the source of the original data. In the case of recurring household costs, rents and ...
But so far, these impacts aren’t being seen at gas stations. The national average price of regular unleaded actually slipped a few cents this week, and is now at $3.11 per gallon. Diesel is ...
Gas prices are on a yo-yo string. Two weeks ago, they were down. Last week they were up. Now they are down again. Prices at the pump on Monday, Feb. 17, have plummeted an average of 14 cents in ...