No-Man. In a great day of yes-men, Calvin Coolidge was a great noman. Psychologically as well as financially he sought to be an astringent to his prosperity-swollen country. He took credit for ...
When you look at all US presidents and their stock market performance, you might think of more modern times, when the market ...
Fortunately, during his time in office, Calvin Coolidge embodied a conservative philosophy that limited government power, allowing America to thrive under his leadership. Coolidge’s presidency ...
He was generally content to ride the wave of relative post-war prosperity. Coolidge was a plain-speaking New Englander and a welcome relief from the scandal-ridden Harding administration.
The first time Calvin Coolidge met Gutzon Borglum, the president agreed to the artist's scheme to mint commemorative coins. With the coins, Borglum hoped to raise funds to carve a mountain into ...