Mathematics and computing is the study and analysis of abstract concepts, such as numbers and patterns. Mathematics is the language of choice for scientifically describing and modelling the ...
In Bethel’s Department of Math and Computer Science, you’ll explore math and computer science in a vibrant, welcoming community. In theoretical and practical classes, you’ll learn how to use ...
Topics in scientific computing are at the interface between mathematics and computer science. A specialist in scientific computing must wear multiple hats, as he or she must not only understand the ...
The Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics provide a healthy foundation of abstract reasoning, applications and computing. With the Doctorate and Master of Science in Mathematics, the ...
Combine your passion for mathematics with the power of computing to shape our future. Mathematics provides the theoretical framework and essential tools for approaching complex problems, while ...
If you want to explore the ways in which math skills and computing skills make both disciplines stronger, then you will be interested in this program. Study mathematical modeling, computing with ...
Reservoir computing (RC) is a powerful machine learning module designed to handle tasks involving time-based or sequential ...
Researchers applied the mathematical theory of synchronization to clarify how recurrent neural networks (RNNs) generate ...