San Juan College officials will hold a NC3 National Letter of Intent Signing Day event at 9 a.m. Thursday, April 18 in the Connie Gotsch Theatre on the college campus, 4601 College Blvd.
More than 70 vendors will be featured. Free. A jazz music workshop will be offered at noon Saturday, April 13 in the Inspired Moments Events Center, 310 W. Main St. in downtown Farmington.
This year, April Fools' Day falls on Tuesday, April 1. The origins of April Fools' Day dates back to the 16th century, and ...
As the weather begins to turn warmer with the arrival of spring, here are some events you might want to check out in the ...
Outlook Forum is California’s premier travel and tourism event for industry professionals. The conference is free to attend and offers all California tourism industry members the opportunity ...