Police have executed 13 search warrants across Hawke’s Bay, Gisborne, Wairoa, Auckland, and Dannevirke to seize gang patches and other gang-related clothing worn at a high-profile Mongrel Mob tangi ...
In the lead-up to a large gang tangi, Hawke's Bay police have been engaging with locals, gang leaders and whānau of the deceased. Angus Benson, formerly the president of Napier's Mongrel Mob ...
A gang member on a horse rides into the tangi of former Mongrel Mob Barbarian chapter president Angus Benson in Napier. Photo / Paul Taylor Police spent $75,300 policing one of the first large ...
The president of Napier's Mongrel Mob Barbarian chapter, 'Heil Dogg', is being farewelled at a tangi on Friday. Police are preparing for a large number of gang members from across the country to ...