Cyclone Alfred intensifies to Category 2 ahead of rare landfall in Australia: Latest updates - Storm is expected to make ...
Tropical Cyclone Alfred is expected to cross the south-east Queensland coast later this week, bringing significant wind, rain ...
More than 4 million people are in the firing line of Tropical Cyclone Alfred as it tracks towards the south-east Queensland ...
A heavily populated stretch of Australia's eastern coast battened down on Tuesday for what could be the first tropical ...
Holiday-makers and people sleeping rough have been advised to leave the path of the cyclone before it's too late.
Acting mayor Donna Gates says tropical cyclone Alfred "might be the most significant system" for the Gold Coast since 1954.
Pacific Ocean solo rower rescued from 100kmph Cyclone Alfred days before completing feat - ...
A rower on a 7,500-mile solo trip across the Pacific Ocean had to be rescued by an Australian warship Monday after getting ...