Robert Eggers, who directed “Nosferatu,” a distinctly wretched take on vampire folklore.Credit...Mark Sommerfeld for The ...
Lily-Rose Depp and Bill Skarsgård break down the "death and ecstasy" ending of the new "Nosferatu" film and the fates of ...
Because that film's imagery has become so iconic in the horror genre, Eggers told us that he was nervous approaching some of ...
Nosferatu”—Robert Eggers’ remake of the Gothic thriller starring Bill Skarsgård, Lily-Rose Depp and Nicholas Hoult—is new in ...
Nosferatu' composer Robin Carolan discusses using 60 string players and a Romanian toaca to create a "disorienting, fucked up ...
Looking for some horror holiday counter-programming? Then listen up: "Nosferatu," now haunting theaters, is your ticket to fear and trembling. This wild thing of beauty and terror, indelibly written ...
Chris Columbus, who helmed the Christmas classic and most recently produced ‘Nosferatu,’ also spoke to THR about how a ...
Welcome to Career Watch, a vocational checkup of top actors and directors, and those who hope to get there. In this edition ...
Nosferatu”—Robert Eggers' remake of the vampire classic starring Bill Skarsgård, Nicholas Hoult and Lily-Rose Depp—is new in ...
A rundown on how, when and where to watch the vampire remake "Nosferatu" and when and where it will eventually be streaming.
The biggest difference between Dracula and Nosferatu is how both stories approach the concept of vampirism. For Dracula, the ...